Conference organizers are welcome to publish the proceedings as special issues in the journal. They may also organize a special issue based on the extended or full versions of papers that were presented in the conference, symposium or workshop.
Qualified researchers are also encouraged to organize and guest edit special issues in their expertise areas with the journal. The profiles and reputations of the guest editors increase together with the publication of the special issues.
Proposals for special issue are welcome throughout the year and the issues can be published as soon as final versions of manuscripts are received by the journal editorial office.
A special issues may cover topics in any area of Engineering & Technology. Articles in the special issues may include reviews, researcher papers, communications and other types as deemed appropriate by the editors
- A brief resume and list of publications of the special issue editors.
- Main special issue editors can invite upto two co editors to edit the issue.
- A working title, an overview of the topics, aims and scope.
- An estimated number of articles to be published, and if possible, list of potential authors and titles of manuscripts.
- Tentative time frame for submissions and publications.
The guest editors are responsible for reviewing the special issue papers, and supply final versions to the journal editorial office for publication.
Special issues are published online. Special issue papers are charged in a group rate.
Prospective special issue organizer should contact publisher along with the title, list of topics, special issue committee.
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