Performance and emission characteristics of a DI Diesel Engine using Methyl Ester of Groundnut oil as a fuel
L.Balachandar, P.K. Devan, A.Ghoghul Raj, S.Gnanasundaram, D.Hariharan
Department of Mechanical Engineering , RMK College of Engineering and Technology,R.S.M.Nagar, Puduvoyal, India
Design of High Speed and Low Power Voltage Level Shifter in Dual Supply Applications
Ramya.S(1), Vishnu Priya.R(2)
(1)PG student [VLSI Design], (2)Assistant Professor [O.G], Dept. of Eelectronics and communication Engineering, Arasu Engineering College,kumbakonam,Tamilnadu,India
The Sift Algorithm Based Fake Coin Detection
Sayed Umar Farook.S(1),Abinash(1),,Surya Sabesan(1),,Arun Balaji.A(1),,Kavitha.D(2)
(1),UG Students,(2),Assistant professor, Dept. of ECE, Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu, India
Design and Performance Analysis of Inexact-Speculative Han Carlson Adder
S.Indhu(1), A.Sriram, M.E.,(Ph.D)(2)
(1)PG scholar, (2)Assistant Professor ,Department of ECE, Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam.Tamil Nadu,India