Students who wish to get assistance for writing the paper must give the following details of their research / project work:
- Title of the work:
- Name of the authors and their affiliation:
- General idea of what the paper/work /project is about:
- Method:
- Results & discussion:
- References:
What is the problem of the work-write major points of your work.
Why your work is important
what is the purpose your work
What has been done about the problem so far.
What is the objective.
Describe how the study was conducted – describe in the flowchart form
Give the details of Equipment/Materials/Hardware/Software used
Write your findings.
Write the importance of findings & its future scope
Give the name of all the sources.- papers , books, and websites referred.
Note: Authors who wish to get Manuscript preparation assistance will be charged Rs 250/-per page in addition to Article processing charges .
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